The Name

I thought and thought of a cute name for this blog while we were at the beach. And then I decided on my name. I love my name. I’m really proud of the fact my parents chose to name me after two wonderful women. Let me introduce you….

Sherry – She was / is my Mom’s sister. She passed away a few years ago after a short battle with cancer. I was devastated when she died…and I wasn’t able to travel to her funeral, which made it even worse. But let’s cheer this up a bit now. Some of my earliest memories involve visits with her in Tennessee. She always told me I was her favorite niece. I believed her too. She used to pick me up at my grandparents home and take me to a small ice cream shop and buy me the most wonderful little hamburgers. We would sit in her car and eat and talk and laugh….she had the most wonderful laugh. And when our visits were over she would take my brothers and I to a gas station down the street and buy us candy for our trip back to NC. When it was time to say our good-byes, she gave all of us the BIGGEST hugs, lots of kisses and made it very clear she loved us and would really miss us. Later, when I got married and brought my own children to visit in Tennessee, she did the same for all of my children. She would use a large paper grocery bag and FILL it with snacks, candy, magic markers (the wonderful ones that smelled like fruit), coloring books…anything she thought of. She made every child their own bag too! She was the most generous person I have ever met! Everyone in her small town knew her. She loved BIG and everyone loved her BIG back. I think about her quite often and ask myself if I’m loving everyone in my life big. When I see her again in Heaven I can’t wait for one of her hugs and to hear her laugh!

Jean – She was / is my Dad’s sister and this is her middle name. She passed away about 16 years ago after battling breast cancer. She fought so hard and never once complained. I was able to visit during her last summer and asked why she never got mad or complained. She said, “Oh honey, I always try to remember there is always someone a lot worse off than me”. Her gentle loving spirit remained until the very end. Aunt Norma Jean never married and was never blessed with children of her own. I was also her Godchild (my daughter is her only other Godchild) and she often told me I was like a daughter to her. And she was truly a second mother to me. Aunt Dee taught me to love big, but Aunt Norma guided me down the path that helps me do that each day – thorough the practice of my Catholic faith. She had a deep abiding faith, but never ever preached a word to another person. She didn’t need to, she lived it. She treated each person with love & respect and I can honestly say she never said an unkind word about another person. She was one of a kind – a real treasure! Just before she died we talked about what was coming and that she wouldn’t beat the cancer. I asked her to do me a favor when she got  to Heaven. I asked her to save me a seat beside her. She laughed and laughed and said she would.

Sometimes I think of those I love that are beyond that thin veil. I feel sad, but then remember I have someone waiting to love me BIG again and someone saving me a seat. And when He says, “Well done, good and faithful servant”, He will speak those two names that I love. Those two names that will have helped guide me Home.

much love,

Sherry Jean

One Fast Week

Today was our last full day on Ocracoke Island. It’s always the fastest week of the year. Amazing how the time flies by when you’re relaxing. And then at home, when we are so busy, time creeps by….so….s..l…o…w. It was a wonderful week. My brother and his sweet son rented a house not far from ours. My parents also came and stayed with my brother. It was such a special time to me! I’ve never really gotten used to being away from my family, or the relaxed & friendly southern lifestyle. One of my greatest regrets in life will always be that my children did not grow up in the south. At least they get this week in NC to begin each summer, Thanksgiving and Easter trips south. For those sweet southern moments I will always be thankful. 



Much Love,


Sweet Summertime

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I grew up in North Carolina. After we were blessed with a few children, we decided my home state would be a good vacation destination each summer. For years we visited Hatteras Island, but last summer we stayed on Ocracoke Island. It was one of the best vacations ever! It’s a tiny, peaceful island where we rode bikes everywhere. We explored every inch of this beautiful place. During our long, long, long Gettysburg winter I dreamed of this place. Last Sunday we boarded the ferry for the 2.5 hour crossing leaving school, swim team, basketball, work and worries behind to arrive on our beloved Ocracoke again. I can’t imagine a better way to begin the Summer of 2015! I’m so thankful we discovered this place…these people…this paradise.